Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Garden of Humility

This is a short story that I made up. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Once there was a garden full of flowers. There were roses, sunflowers, marigolds and many, many more. this garden was owned by a girl called Clementina. She lived all alone in a hut in the forest. Clementina took a bunch of flowers every week to her grandma's house along with a basket of goodies such as a flask of tea, cherries, cake and so on. The day before, the flowers were quarreling among themselves. Rose said, "I always go to grandma's house so I shall be the one to go tomorrow. "No" said the marigold. "I'll be the one!" So one after another the flowers quarreled like anything. Just then they heard a voice from a rock nearby. There was a plant with very pretty flowers. It said, "Please don't quarrel, it is not good to quarrel." But, the other flowers told, "Don't give us very good advices, we know what to do." and they turned away and left the poor flower alone.

The next morning Clementina came out and noticed the pretty flower and exclaimed, "What a pretty flower this is. I must take these to grandma!" and she took some of the seeds of that plant, sowed the seeds, took the flowers and left on her way to grandma's house. As she reached, she hid the flowers behind her back and went in and said "Grandma, I have a surprise for you!" and she gave the flowers to her. Her grandma said "oh! darling, these flowers are so pretty. This is the best bunch till now. Thank you so much!"

And when Clementina came back to her home, she told every flower what grandma had said. They were very sad. But then the pretty flower said "Don't be sad. Every person is beautiful in their own ways. But don't and never praise yourself." The other flowers felt better and said "We did not listen to you and we have learnt our lesson now. Can we all be very good friends with you?" The pretty flower said "why not? Yes, of course, we can!" And they lived happily in their garden from then onwards.

The moral of the story is to be humble. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Muscat Festival - Part 1

On Monday evening (7/2/11), I went to the Muscat Festival. It was really wonderful! We went on a roller coaster ride - it's carts were actually like the back of a caterpillar - and it was awesome! First, they go really slow and then you think it is just a kiddie ride but then after you are done with a full round you will feel it is blasting!! And, you would want to go again and again.

Then there was a Ferris Wheel which was also great! But, too slow and it was really high. We had nice cheese parottas, Egg parottas, Mutton parottas, popcorn etc. They were really tasty!! Slurp!! Well, this is "Part I" because we might be going again on Wednesday (9/2/11). So I might write more than this. So stay tuned!