Saturday, August 6, 2011

The beginning of my writing.

It all began when my teacher {in 5th grade} gave us a test. It was on autobiography of anything. I chose a clock. After the test I got a very good remark from my teacher. When I came home and told my parents about it they were impressed! One day, during my holidays, I started thinking about Patnam. As and when my favourite thoughts of Patnam crossed my mind, made mental notes, connected the dots and poured my thoughts in words. That became my first article.

       My parents were so happy, especially my dad. After a few months or so, I wrote a story. My dad loved it and so we started my blog.I started writing more articles and I know that my dad is proud of me. To tell you the truth, I have written more than ten articles which has given me ten times happiness!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What It's Like To Have A Brother...

It's really nice and horrible to have a brother. At times they act like angels and do all the naughty stuff, and at other times they are the worst of rowdies.Well,my brother is really soft but very, very naughty. If I had an elder brother, I would have suffered a lot. He would have not let me to do any thing, like, my favourite clothing-he would not allow me to wear any thing I like. He would not allow me to watch TV. I'll feel like I'm in prison! I can't even dream about it!

It's great to have a brother like Abrie but, I also want a sister. Because of him I can't even sit patiently! He was born in Canada during a snowstorm, so, I think thats why he is like a storm! He jumps from one sofa to another like a monkey [when he is one!!], and is almost always uncontrolable. When he plays tennis, he thinks that the ball is attracted to him and he keeps on saying "Here we go again!". Abrie is also irritable sometimes, but I can control him somehow. I am glad Abrie is not my elder brother.

 At times he kicks me at night and puts the blame on me. When his table is neat and tidy my table will be like a trash truck drawn with all kinds of pictures and it takes hours to wipe them out. And most of the time my guess will be correct..... Abrie! If I even go towards his table he creates a very big uproar that our parents come to the room and see that its just Abrie screaming for no reason. Now, what would you do if you had a brother?