Saturday, August 6, 2011

The beginning of my writing.

It all began when my teacher {in 5th grade} gave us a test. It was on autobiography of anything. I chose a clock. After the test I got a very good remark from my teacher. When I came home and told my parents about it they were impressed! One day, during my holidays, I started thinking about Patnam. As and when my favourite thoughts of Patnam crossed my mind, made mental notes, connected the dots and poured my thoughts in words. That became my first article.

       My parents were so happy, especially my dad. After a few months or so, I wrote a story. My dad loved it and so we started my blog.I started writing more articles and I know that my dad is proud of me. To tell you the truth, I have written more than ten articles which has given me ten times happiness!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What It's Like To Have A Brother...

It's really nice and horrible to have a brother. At times they act like angels and do all the naughty stuff, and at other times they are the worst of rowdies.Well,my brother is really soft but very, very naughty. If I had an elder brother, I would have suffered a lot. He would have not let me to do any thing, like, my favourite clothing-he would not allow me to wear any thing I like. He would not allow me to watch TV. I'll feel like I'm in prison! I can't even dream about it!

It's great to have a brother like Abrie but, I also want a sister. Because of him I can't even sit patiently! He was born in Canada during a snowstorm, so, I think thats why he is like a storm! He jumps from one sofa to another like a monkey [when he is one!!], and is almost always uncontrolable. When he plays tennis, he thinks that the ball is attracted to him and he keeps on saying "Here we go again!". Abrie is also irritable sometimes, but I can control him somehow. I am glad Abrie is not my elder brother.

 At times he kicks me at night and puts the blame on me. When his table is neat and tidy my table will be like a trash truck drawn with all kinds of pictures and it takes hours to wipe them out. And most of the time my guess will be correct..... Abrie! If I even go towards his table he creates a very big uproar that our parents come to the room and see that its just Abrie screaming for no reason. Now, what would you do if you had a brother?

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I Care for You

The way people behave these days is really not acceptable. Smoking,
spitting,etc make me feel like walking right up to them and telling them how I feel about their activity, but I never get a chance.During these summer holidays,when we were going to go to India, a group of men [or should I say 'A Gang of Rowdies'] were constantly spitting into a public dustbin.I looked at my mom and showed her my "I-Don't-Like-It" face.But she was patient and after a while she complained against these people so they stopped it [Thank Goodness!].I got a mail which you may like to read...

Answer the phone by LEFT ear                      
Do not drink coffee TWICE a day
Do not take pills with COOL water
Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm
Reduce the amount of TEA you consume
Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume
Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night
Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS
Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time
Best sleeping time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning
Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping
When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times

 Well, I hope you will copy this down and send this to your loved ones. I wish you a very careful life.

Monday, May 16, 2011

My thoughts and memories of my fairy Great Grand Mother

Elizabeth Pooti Ammai is very old. She is 93 years old and she is still active. Sometimes we put out the keyboard for her and she just starts playing a tune. She goes on walking around the house even when is told not to walk. Once, I remember that she came all the way from India to America to visit us! In America, we went to a bakery, one day, and while we were waiting I started playing with her arms. I also told her that her arm was like a swing because it was hanging like a swing and it was moving side to side as I pushed it. Another incident was when I came to India from America for a visit. I went to Pooti Ammai’s house to keep her company and I also fed her something. I don’t remember what it was, but I can think of only three things: Blueberries, Grapes and Raisins. After putting one in her mouth I had to caress her throat to help her swallow. 

Now, I am in Oman and I can visit India only twice a year. Anyway, every time I go to India I make sure I spend a lot of time with her. She does forget many people but she never forgets me, my brother and a few of my cousins. She has been the music teacher of my family for about 60 years starting with my Grandmother then my father, my aunts and now us!  And, I would also like to say that I am glad to have her as my Great Grand Mother.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


As we know,recently Japan was and is the victim of a deadly earthquake and a ferocious tsunami.Did you know that 'Tsunami' is a Japanese word? There are 10 things that we need to learn from Japan-
   Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow has been elevated.
    Disciplined queues for water and groceries.Not a rough word or a crude gesture.
     The incredible architects, for instance, Buildings swayed but did not fall.
      People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.
      No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.
      Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid.
      Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.
       The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.
       They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.
        When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly.

We are lucky but still we have to be cautious because any minute, any second, the place where you are can be affected. We also have to pray to God asking Him to protect us from all such disasters.We can avoid Global Warming by stop smoking, ban deforestation,reduce factories, use battery cars,and plant more trees.Let's have a fun and a better world than disaster world!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Garden of Humility

This is a short story that I made up. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Once there was a garden full of flowers. There were roses, sunflowers, marigolds and many, many more. this garden was owned by a girl called Clementina. She lived all alone in a hut in the forest. Clementina took a bunch of flowers every week to her grandma's house along with a basket of goodies such as a flask of tea, cherries, cake and so on. The day before, the flowers were quarreling among themselves. Rose said, "I always go to grandma's house so I shall be the one to go tomorrow. "No" said the marigold. "I'll be the one!" So one after another the flowers quarreled like anything. Just then they heard a voice from a rock nearby. There was a plant with very pretty flowers. It said, "Please don't quarrel, it is not good to quarrel." But, the other flowers told, "Don't give us very good advices, we know what to do." and they turned away and left the poor flower alone.

The next morning Clementina came out and noticed the pretty flower and exclaimed, "What a pretty flower this is. I must take these to grandma!" and she took some of the seeds of that plant, sowed the seeds, took the flowers and left on her way to grandma's house. As she reached, she hid the flowers behind her back and went in and said "Grandma, I have a surprise for you!" and she gave the flowers to her. Her grandma said "oh! darling, these flowers are so pretty. This is the best bunch till now. Thank you so much!"

And when Clementina came back to her home, she told every flower what grandma had said. They were very sad. But then the pretty flower said "Don't be sad. Every person is beautiful in their own ways. But don't and never praise yourself." The other flowers felt better and said "We did not listen to you and we have learnt our lesson now. Can we all be very good friends with you?" The pretty flower said "why not? Yes, of course, we can!" And they lived happily in their garden from then onwards.

The moral of the story is to be humble. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Muscat Festival - Part 1

On Monday evening (7/2/11), I went to the Muscat Festival. It was really wonderful! We went on a roller coaster ride - it's carts were actually like the back of a caterpillar - and it was awesome! First, they go really slow and then you think it is just a kiddie ride but then after you are done with a full round you will feel it is blasting!! And, you would want to go again and again.

Then there was a Ferris Wheel which was also great! But, too slow and it was really high. We had nice cheese parottas, Egg parottas, Mutton parottas, popcorn etc. They were really tasty!! Slurp!! Well, this is "Part I" because we might be going again on Wednesday (9/2/11). So I might write more than this. So stay tuned!

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Place Where I Want To Be

I, Amity Rodrigo, am having a rich life in the city. It is kind of boring with loads of luxury and working late, on school homework, instead of having fun with our family. I don’t like this kind of busy life in a big city. I like to stay in a village like mine. It’s called Virapandianpatnam. In short, it is called Patnam.

I love my village because it’s not like other villages. It’s unique. Over there, we might have thousands of adventures a day. I go to the shop alone to get things for my grandmother and other people. I help others in that place. It’s a small village. So, I know every corner of this beautiful village. I walk everywhere all alone. I walk to church and many other places. We swim in the beach at least twice a week. We play with no trouble from morning till night. We play “Bingo”, otherwise called as “Tombollah”, in Tamil, from night till dawn. I got lots and lots of money by winning in these games.

In this place, Christmas Celebration is the best part of the year. It is joyful in that period because many other kids and I perform on the church-stage. All the people in this village are related to me somehow. When I walk through the village, everyone says, ‘Hi’, to me and we chat for a while. My grandmother has a huge house in that place. It is actually like a farm-house because it has different kinds of animals and birds. At the back of the house they plan different kinds of fruits and vegetables.

At the church, my other grandmother plays the organ, for the choir and even I go, with her to hear her play and her choir sing. I go there because sometimes I get to press buttons on the organ, and I am interested in music.

I would love to live there. I would call that place ‘THE VILLAGE OF JOY’ or ‘THE VILLAGE OF LIFE’. I would have a golden and peaceful life there.